Thursday, October 4, 2012

Goodbye With the Old, Hello to the New!

Goodbye With the Old, Hello to the New!

There are going to be people, things, and situations in life that are really going to test you. These can  bring you to your lowest point. It could be the economy, friends, work, an addiction, family members, significant others, feelings of resentment, etc. While we do tend to learn lessons and become stronger individuals in the long run because of it it still doesn't mean we don't hurt in the mean time. What we have to realize though is that we are actually in control of what or who affects us. 

How long are you going to allow yourself to be a victim? How long are you going to allow yourself to be sad or angry? Why do we do this to ourselves? It doesn't feel good; it doesn't benefit our well being. Some of us can barely get through a day when we carry all of this weight. Sometimes you just have to get to the point where you stand up for yourself and know that you deserve to be free and to be happy.

How can new and beautiful, pleasant things happen for you in your life or come into your life if you're still holding on to the old? What do you need to let go of? Who do you need to let go of? 

Whoever or whatever is holding you back is not worth keeping you from enjoying each and every day. Whatever the reason you are still holding on, just Let Go! Doesn't the mere thought of letting go make you feel less heavy? Doesn't it feel like a relief? If you have to go see a counselor or talk to someone just to be able to do this then Do It! If you have to go scream outside on the top of your lungs until you burst out in tears and have a huge sob fest then Do It! If you have to write a letter to the person(s) upsetting you so that you get all of your feelings out then Do It (even if you just rip it up afterwards)! You do what you have to do! Start taking control of your life and your happiness. No one else is going to do it for you. It's time you start living your life and living it peacefully. Take a chance and make a change. Be brave. xoxo

Sending you so much peace, so much love, and so much light! Sending you lots of healing!



Remember too that there's some people or some things we cannot change. We just have to let go and take control of the things we can. I leave you with this...

Sometimes the key to peace is simply this:

Stop trying to understand, control, and change everything and everyone. Just accept that somethings are as they are meant to be.
-Ashley from Angel Eyes and Monkey Toes 

Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.




  1. You are wise beyond your years. I've done the letter writing. Sometimes I have found it helps. Sometimes it doesn't. I have wasted so many hours/days/years of my life wondering why particular people are the way they are and trying to desperately figure out why they do the things they do. is a basic waste of time. It doesn't matter why. We can't control others. We only have control over our own thoughts, actions, feelings, words. Sometimes we have to just move forward. That is the only thing we can do. And to accept things for the way they are. It is hard but it is the only way sometimes.

  2. I've just been through so much, Aunt Priscilla! I feel like I have been through so much in order to grow and in order to share my stories and guidance with others. The letter writing always helps me get it out but then sometimes I want to send it to the person instead of ripping it up. I actually just wrote my father a long email about the way I felt about him and stuff and I am glad I did. I didn't hold back. Sometimes we just need to do that. Either way, getting our feelings out Somehow is healthy. I completely agree with everything you said. Completely!!! Thank you for writing!

  3. I love your blog and how uplifting it is! Great post... just what I needed to hear! Love you girl, and glad to see you are doing so well!!!!! Cant wait to read more from you ;)

    xx, kara
